What are Implants?

Screw-shaped artificial roots placed in the jawbone to regain lost teeth are called implants. Almost all of the dental implants used today are titanium-based. Because titanium is a known tissue-friendly material that can adapt to bone tissue.

Why is the Implant Done?

The roots of the missing teeth are surgically placed in the jawbone. Since the titanium in the implants fuses with the jawbone, it does not slip and causes problems or bone damage like fixed bridges or prostheses. At the same time, these implants do not rot.

How Long is the Implant Treatment Period?

Today, it is even possible to perform implant operations in just 10 minutes. The total time varies according to the type of operation determined according to your tooth and bone structure. In cases where the jawbone is sufficient for implant application, the implant infrastructure is placed first. There may be slight swelling in the first 3 days. Stitches are removed at the end of the first week. Afterward, it is waited for 3 months for the implant-bone connection to be completed without any action. At the end of 3 months, if a single-stage implant system has not been used, a gingival shaping screw is attached to the implant. Then the prosthesis process is started. Depending on the number of the prosthesis, this period may take 1-2 weeks. The time varies in cases where the jawbone is insufficient and additional bone augmentation procedures are performed. Our dentist also matches the color of the new teeth to your natural teeth. When the implant is fixed to the jawbone, it looks and functions like your own natural teeth.

Dental Implant Life

Dental implant life varies from person to person. If the patient fulfills the requirements for dental health, dental implants last a lifetime. Otherwise, if it is exposed to factors that will damage the teeth, the implants remain intact for approximately 20 years. People who have had implants should be extremely careful about the care of their teeth. Thus, the life of your implants depends on the care of your teeth.

Can Implant Be Made After Tooth Extraction?

After the necessary procedures are provided and the tooth is extracted, the implant can be made. At the same time, extraction and implantation is a comfortable treatment for the patient in a single day.

Can Implant Treatment Be Applied to Every Patient?

Implants are made from titanium, which is highly compatible with the human body. Anyone whose healthy bone structure is suitable for implant application can be implanted. If the disease is under control in individuals with various systemic diseases, implants can be made by considering the recommendations of the physician. If the bone is found to be insufficient for the implant; With various bone augmentation methods, the bone can be made suitable for the implant.

Can Teeth be Placed on the Implant Immediately?

If the implant can be prevented from being adversely affected by chewing forces during the healing period of the implant in the area where the implant is applied, a prosthesis can be made on the implant at the same time as the implant application. However, this may differ in each case. There are no standard practices that apply to every case or person. 

What is the Success Rate in Implant Treatment?

The success rate of implants varies depending on where they are placed in the jaw, but in general, dental implants have a success rate of up to 98%.

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